The minute I stopped waiting for others to join me on trips was the day I fell in love with solo traveling, and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t the best thing I could have ever done for myself. Unfortunately, the number one thing that stops women the most from traveling solo is the sence of not feeling safe or capable of doing things alone. Imagine living your life waiting for others? I’ve gathered 10 of my favorite simple and secure saftey tips for solo female travel.

Let’s dive in.

1. Trust your gut.

If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. And, on the other hand- if intuition says it’s going to be great, it most likely will be. Trust your gut. Follow your instincts, and know when to leave a place or situation.

2. Always be aware.

Be mindful of your surroundings, and avoid situations that feel unsafe. Don’t be afraid to say no or walk away if something feels off.

woman dancing at sunset

3. Posting location after visit.

While it can be fun to meet others while traveling, I’ve always felt the safest knowing I’m posting any given location after the fact that I have already left. Of course, sharing your location with friends and family is highly encouraged.

woman enjoying sunrise view

4. Stay connected.

Always let a friend or family member know where you’ll be or about your plans. While it may not be necessary to check-in everyday, it’s nice having a piece of mind knowing that someone knows your whereabouts.

peace sign shadow

5. Meet other solo female travelers.

Women look out for other women. It’s nice being able to connect with other like-minded travelers. Join a Facebook group, or check out local meet ups in the destination in which you’re traveling.

6. Avoid traveling at night.

Navagating a new place can be difficult at night. Avoid public transportation and use taxi services like Uber or Lyft, if available.

7. Leave the valuables hidden or at home.

No need to be flashy while traveling. Take advantage of the safes located in hotels and hostels, or simply leave the valuables at home.

8. Take a self-defense class.

Knowing what to do incase of an attack will help you feel more confident when traveling alone. Carry pepper spray and know how to use it.

9. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’.

Your solo journey is about you. Don’t feel bad for saying ‘no’ to unwanted plans.

10. Dress appropriately for the culture.

Consider your destination and its culture first and then start packing. Make sure that you have the clothes you’ll be comfortable in and also clothes that are appropriate for your destination.

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