“Some of the best memories cannot always be captured; so long as there is that memory in your mind, it’ll forever be a memory in your heart.”

Monday, September 2, 2019

It’s the last official day of our 3-day journey here in Colorado. After spending 3-days at 3 different lakes, our journey has come to an end. The sunsets here have been nothing short of amazing, but I guess they don’t call it Colorful Colorado for nothing. Even though we didn’t stay in very long, I’m still glad we dipped our toes in earlier. Yes, the water was pretty dang cold!

Last night was fun. I wasn’t ready to get all bundled up so early, so I decided to take my sleeping pad and my sleeping bag outside, and just chill. You know, lay down..look up at the stars. David’s friend, Adolfo, came out and joined me. We smoked and hung out. Laid down to watch the stars. It was a great reminder that I need to break away from my tent more often. These are the moments we need to live for!

The last sunset of our trip made me cry. And I’m not sure if it’s because I wasn’t able to capture a photo or because it was entirely just that beautiful. Basically… I walked away from camp to go pee. As I made my way to squat behind a rock, I looked up at the most beautiful views of San Juan mountains being kissed by the sunset. As I sat there, squatted, I was upset that I didn’t have my phone to take a photo. There was nothing for me to do, but soak it all in. The sunset..of course.

As I walked back to my tent, the last of the special sunset colors were lingering around the lake. I snapped this one photo before crawling into my tent for the night. Adolfo noticed that I had tears in my eyes and had asked me what was wrong? He told me that some of the best memories sometimes cannot be captured; so long as there is that memory in your mind, it’ll forever be a memory in your heart. And as much as I wanted to sit out and enjoy it, we have a long drive home tomorrow, I need to get some rest…

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