Trip Date: August 23-29, 2023
Location: Tennessee Pass to Boss Lake Reservior
CT Mile: 142.9 – 235.4
It’s the first day back on the trail after a nero in Leadville. A ‘nero’ is hiking near zero miles for the entire day. Back at Tennessee Pass, we’d make our way to Twin Lakes where we’d confirm with the General Store that I would be able to store my bear canister there for the remainder of my trip. We’d hitch into Buena Vista, where I’d purchase a Ursak from The Trailhead gear store in town and enjoy a delicious lunch at the House Rock Kitchen, all before hitching our way back to Twin Lakes.

All of that to lighten my load, to say the least. We’d leapfrog a kid named Bobby and he’d join our journey to Salida. The climb up Hope Pass was one of my favorites, or should I say the hike down. I mustered up the guts to tell Huckleberry Fish that I wanted some alone time on the trail and we’d make plans to catch up at camp that evening. It was nice to pick up speed and be alone on the trail with my thoughts. We’d hit mile marker CT 200 and camp at the only alpine lake near the Colorado Trail, before tackling the pass the next day.

Lake Ann Pass was probably one of my favorite passes on the entire trail. It was a beautiful morning, and I took my time making my way up. Greeted by marmots and incredible views, I’d meet Giddy Up and we’d hike together to Durango! We’d climb Cottonwood Pass the same day and I had no idea I was committing to a 2-pass day. That afternoon was tough.
The four of us would hitch into Buena Vista and stay the night in town and let the worst of the storm pass. We’d resupply at City Market, do laundry, and all the other town things before hitching our way back to the trail- with the most epic iconic hitch ever. With a 3-4 day storm in the forecast, we decided to hop on the Collegiate East for a safer experience as it is less exposed. Rainy road walks to Mt. Princton and Bootleggers Campsite before the most epic rainbow appeared that afternoon. As we made our way south, our group decided to stay one night in Salida as the boys were home.

I was sad that our little tramily was breaking apart, but grateful for the memories! We hitched a ride to Monarch Crest to retrieve our resupplies and hitch again into Salida. We walked around town and enjoyed ice cream, lunch, and beer before a few farewell margaritas that night. In the morning, Giddy Up and I headed for the bakery and the boys hopped on a bus to Denver.
With great weather in the forecast, we hopped back on the Colligate West. Our first day back on trail ended up being one of my favorites! We’ve got 2-3 days to Monarch Crest and about 1 week to Lake City, and then we hit the San Juans!