Tuesday, 9/7 4:04AM DAY 16 📍 Evolution Creek
Journal entry: I’m being tested. It’s 4 AM in the damn morning and I can’t sleep. I keep thinking about my Stiiizy. I’m being tested. I do not have enough days to backtrack for my Stiiizy. I barely have enough days to hike out to Onion Valley and make the summit by 9/19...
Still Tuesday, 9/7 10:50AM DAY 16 2.5 miles 📍 McClure Meadow
Journal entry #2: Wasn’t tired to stop, but needed water before reaching the ranger station. Don’t know why, just feel like I might get caught up there, like talking with people, not caught for doing anything wrong. Melia told me that if I were to zero, that McClure Meadow would be a place to do it. I can see why. Although no time to zero and body not wanting to. I stopped for water, and a quick moment to snack and journal. Destination today is Wanda Lake, which is an 11-mile day and the lake right before Muir Pass. So glad I found my Stiiizy. Seriously like WTF! It was literally across the creek like 588ft. ahead of me. But I was on that mission to find it. LMFAO. 2 NOBOs this morning. Earlyish start. Looks like another warm day. SO HAPPY I DON’T HAVE TO BACKTRACK!

Still Tuesday, 9/7 7:50PM 11.9 miles DAY 16 📍 Wanda Lake
Journal entry #3: Evolution lake was pretty. I thought Sapphire Lake was even prettier lol. I pretty much skimmed through that area. I wanted to so badly swim in Evolution Lake and I found the perfect place to do it, but I was only 7 miles in at around 3:30 PM, so I felt like I had the entire day to catch up on miles. Getting to Wanda Lake alone was brutal. Oh and to top it off, not many camping options at Wanda. Sunset was beautiful. I peed my pants literally right as I passed McClure ranger station. Oops. Got to camp around 6:15 PM. I’m tired!