Hike Your Own Hike. We all have our preferences and hiking paces, and I’ve come to find that my pace can be slower than most. On average, it takes 14-21 days to complete the John Muir Trail, and 2 weeks is usually the average vacation time one can take off from work. I allowed myself 21 days to complete 211 miles of the JMT but caught myself soaking in the beauty of just slowing down, and enjoying my time on the trail. I believe, on average, a JMT thru-hiker will hike anywhere from 10-15 miles/day. My starting pace was a little slow as both my sister, and I took our time getting used to the trail and carrying a heavy pack. By Day 10, I was hiking on average 11+ miles a day, and I enjoyed every moment of being able to slow down and take the time to truly appreciate my journey.
I allowed myself 21 days on trail but on Day 18, I ran into a nasty thunderstorm and needed to shelter for the remainder of the day, a near nero, but still hiked 7.5 miles that day. I tried to slow down a bit, soaking in the creeks, journaling on trail, and actually cook lunch- but I couldn’t get myself to take a ZERO day.
So, here’s a leisurely 25-days on the John Muir Trail!