Wasn’t tired to stop, but needed water before reaching the ranger station. Don’t know why, just feel like I might get caught up talking with people.

Wasn’t tired to stop, but needed water before reaching the ranger station. Don’t know why, just feel like I might get caught up talking with people.
I’m currently sitting in the San Joaquin River soaking my butt, legs, & feet. I’m wearing the sports bra I’ve been hiking in the past 5 miles.
This place is magical, I’m telling ya. Getting to MTR was awesome. My resupply was everything I needed it to be.
This would be mile 1.11. Trying to slow down a bit, so I decided to stop at the creek. Low enough where I can walk across the creek with water to my ankles.
Breakfast @ VVR was nice. Not amazing, but nice to have a warm coked meal that doesn’t include boiling water. Needed ketchup for my potatoes though.
Early morning journaling today. Tried to sleep in, but my body is restless. Feet are tired, not sure, body’s a little sore, but honestly no real complaints.
I’m not even sure how I did 11.47 miles today, but you know what- it sure in hell feels like it. Started the day late, at 10 AM.
Just finished cooking dinner: garlic creamy shells w/broccoli. I know, I was supposed to have burritos tonight, but I think I’ll make it to VVR tomorrow.
Back on the JMT. Solo this time and I’m not sure how I feel about it so far. Loving my new 1P tent. Ice cream + beer at Reds before hitting the trail at 3 PM.
It’s Memorial Day weekend. Winter is gone, and for the past 4 months, I have successfully gone on one solo trip every month this year.