Rather goals- think… a list of things I’d eventually like to do this year, knowing:
I won’t be able to get to everything.
111 Days of Meditation: A Journey
Here I am, 111 days into my meditation journey, and I find it hard to believe that I’ve made it this far!
Lifestyle Challenge: My Happi-NessA Project
The month started off a little rough. I knew I wasn’t happy. I knew I wanted to make a change. And I knew what needed to be done. So I did it.
Lifestyle/Mental Health: Project Happiness 2019
December is a good month to brainstorm on what you want out of life, what to look forward to and set goals to works towards in the coming year.
5 Life Lessons Learned on the Road
Road trips do more than just get you to your destination. A road trip is a journey, and as with any journey, there are lessons to learn and mistakes to be made.