Over Labor Day weekend, three friends and I took a road trip to Colorado for an extended weekend of backpacking to some of the most amazing alpine lakes in the San Juan mountains!

Over Labor Day weekend, three friends and I took a road trip to Colorado for an extended weekend of backpacking to some of the most amazing alpine lakes in the San Juan mountains!
Santa Cruz Island is the largest of seven that make up the Channel Islands. Located 20 miles off the coast of Santa Barbara county, this national park is a backpacker’s dream!
Summertime in the mountains mean longer days, alpine lakes, mosquitoes bites and no road trip is complete without a little misadventure.
Big Pine Creek North Fork Trail is located in Inyo National Forest on the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada and is a pretty popular area known for day hiking, camping, fishing and backpacking.
Duck Lake Trail in the John Muir Wilderness is a popular trail that consists of alpine lakes, mountain views, wildflowers and a decent climb for a day hike or even an overnight backpacking trip.
When a friend asks you to go explore some of America’s Southwest deserts you don’t question the reasons as to why you simply join in on the excitement and make it happen.
Trail so nice, I’ve hiked it, well.. several times this summer; twice backpacking and twice day hiking! Easy enough for beginner hikers with views that you don’t necessarily have to “work” for, although the hike is rated as “moderately strenuous” due to the elevation at the trail head,which is 10,000 ft.
When I first started hiking, I very much enjoyed going solo. I could hike my own hike, at my own pace and no one could tell me otherwise. I eventually wanted to experience what I’ve witnessed throughout the online hiking community, a random meet up.
It was officially our third week on the road as we entered the state of Washington. Friends and family who have been to Washington told us that we’d fall in love, and they were right.
After spending five days exploring the Mighty 5 National Parks in Utah, it was time to head on to our next destination.
What started as an idea, grown to a dream and made into reality; I will never forget the look on his face when I told him about plans for our month long road trip.
There’s no better way to cool down in the middle of summer than hiking to and swimming in an alpine lake. This was my first alpine lake swim and it will definitely not be the last.
The month is April of 2016 and we are excited to finally complete the Trans-Catalina Trail, roughly 34 miles of open land crossing the entire length of Catalina Island. We allowed ourselves some time to shoot and take in the scenery and officially completed the trail within 5 days.